Machine Moving
We can manage the entire move or just what you need.

Machine Moving

We offer a variety of moving services to manage your shop move so you don’t have to. 

For Productivity Moving Services in our Midwest Area:

We offer industrial equipment moving services for shops of every size – from internal shop moves to complete plant relocations. Across town or across state. Our machinery moving, rigging and plant relocation services are provided with the most reliable, safe and professional machinery. Whether we manage your entire move or just a portion of it, our project management services include precision planning and execution until your machines are back up and running.


We can manage the entire move or a portion of it. Our project management and equipment services include expert precision planning which may include move assessment, facility evaluation, timeline development, contractor management, electrical, rigging, de-installation, re-installation and project monitoring, depending on your needs and your budget.


As industrial machinery movers, we provide reliable, professional and safe machinery moving, rigging and plant relocation services whether it be internal shop moves to complete plant relocations, across town or across the state.


Our expert service technicians set up, install and configure your machines so they are ready to start production.


Our job is done when your machines are up and running.

For more information or to schedule a machine tool moving project, call 763-745-1161 or email at to get more information.

For Moving Services in our Rocky Mountain Area:

For CO, NM, East WY:
Contact us at 800.947.8665
Or email us at:

For UT, ID, MT, West WY:
Contact us at 801.886.2221
Or email us at:

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