February 23, 2016 Congratulations to South Central College, Faribault, MN for being awarded a BIG check for $20,000 from the Gene Haas Foundation! Matt Mangulis, Sales Engineer from Productivity Inc/Haas Factory Outlet presented the check to (pictured left to right) Bill Block (left), CIM (Computer Integrated Machining) Instructor, Dr. Annette Parker, President…
March 4, 2016 Congratulations to Dunwoody College of Technology in Minneapolis, MN for being awarded a BIG check for $30,000 from the Gene Haas Foundation! Steve McCloskey, Sales Engineer from Productivity Inc/Haas Factory Outlet and Hope Riska, AE Training Administrator from Productivity Inc/Haas Factory Outlet presented the check to Brian Nelsen, Senior Instructor,…
Congratulations to Chippewa Valley Technical College in Eau Claire, WI for being awarded a BIG check for $35,000 from the Gene Haas Foundation! CVTC held their Annual Manufacturing Show/Open House on March 3, with over 1,700 students, parents and teachers attending the 4-hour event, showcasing their programs and sharing what Manufacturing Careers are all about…
What a great day February 18th was for two schools in Hastings, Nebraska! Congratulations to Hastings High School in Hastings, Nebraska for being awarded a BIG check for $15,000 from the Gene Haas Foundation! The money will be used to help provide scholarships to students in their Machine Tool Technology programs, promoting future careers…
Productivity’s Oktoberfest Tool Show Student/Career Day, in conjunction with Haas Factory Outlet, held a Student Demo Contest asking schools to submit a demo to be run at the show. They had to submit a sample part, print, program, how they came up with the idea and what students were involved in the design. Matt received…
Productivity is proud to partner and exhibit at the 5th annual Robotics Alley Conference & Expo on December 1st and 2nd, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency in Minneapolis. Robotics Alley™ is an initiative founded by ReconRobotics and the Minnesota High Tech Association meant to spur public-private partnerships in the business, research, and development of world-leading…
On Thursday, November 12th, 215, Matt Mangulis, Productivity’s Machine Tool Sales, presented South Central College in Mankato with a check for $20,000 on behalf of Haas and the Gene Haas Foundation. This foundation provides scholarships to students interested in manufacturing. Productivity is proud to support manufacturing education. This is one of many scholarships presented by…
Customers can expect expanded services in the Rocky Mountain region Plymouth, MN: — July 2015 Productivity Inc, the Midwest’s largest distributor of CNC machine tools and related metalworking equipment, has combined with Moncktons Machine Tools, a long-standing reputable machine tool company serving the Colorado and Rocky Mountain region since 1952. This new entity, also called…
MINNEAPOLIS — Productivity’s PIT Pass to the 2015 Oktoberfest Tool Show, gave metalworking shop owners, CEOs, engineers, machinists and employees in the Midwest area an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the finest in metalworking products and services. They were able to witness in person how the Productivity Improvement Team (PIT) Crew works at getting businesses on…
The Gene Haas Foundation presented, in conjunction with Productivity Inc., $130,000 in scholarships for students attending Minnesota schools focusing on CNC machining and related technical education. This includes $29,000 to St. Paul College, $10,000 to South Central College in Mankato, $15,000 to Dunwoody Technical College and $75,000 to Team Industries Foundation in Bagley, MN for…