RoboFlex® FF

The RoboFlex FF (Flex Feeder) is an intelligent bulk flex feeder system.

Productivity RoboFlex Value Package Pre-Engineered System

RoboFlex FF Flyer:

PDF icon Productivity RoboFlex FF Flyer

RoboFlex FF Videos:

Video icon RoboFlex Flex Feeder with FANUC robot, tending lathe



The RoboFlex FF framework holds the intelligent bulk flex feeder and a vision-based robot-guidance system. A pre-feed hopper dispenses a thin layer of parts onto the backlit pick-up area. Selectable feed cycles are commanded to advance, separate and/or flip parts for robot presentation. This minimizes the amount of floor space used. The cell layout is flexible to allow access to your machine tool for operator set-up and process maintenance.

The RoboFlex FF is simple to operate. The operator pours un-machined parts into the pre-feed hopper. A flexible process is linked via the vision system to dispense a thin layer of un-machined parts onto a backlit pick surface. Pick surface can feed forward, backward or vibrate in place to separate discrete parts. A bottom strike can be programmed to flip parts that are upside down. Parts will automatically process until the parts run out.

Base Package Popular Options (others by consultation)

  • FANUC iRVision 2D part locating system
  • Re-grip/flip station
  • Part inspection/exit chute
  • Pneumatic vertical sliding shutter
  • Fast servo (2) door shutter
  • High-speed servo door actuator
  • Upgrade to quick-change tool stem
  • Extra quick-change dual gripper assembly
  • Vise mount casting for rotary table (8”)
  • Schunk KSP 160 Plus vise

Key Features

  • Intelligent bulk flex feeder
  • Multiple machine layouts possible
  • Compact footprint
  • Simplest to operate

For specifications, please contact Productivity’s Robotics and Automation department at 763.476.8600. 

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